mysql – How to pass main query value into a join in subquery

mysql – How to pass main query value into a join in subquery

I have the following query (well… the part that bugs me of it):

SELECT DISTINCT `serv`.`id`, `serv`.`name`, `prj`.`id` AS `idProject`, `prj`.`name` AS `projectName`, `units`.`id` AS `idUnit`,
    `units`.`name` AS `unitName`, `units`.`description` AS `unitDescription`, `units`.`descriptionLong` AS `unitLongDescription`,
    `units`.`address`, `units`.`telephone`, (
        SELECT DISTINCT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(`subserv`.`id`, '|', `subserv`.`name`, '|', `links`.`continuous`))
        FROM `" . DBT_SERV . "` AS `subserv`
        JOIN `" . DBT_SERV_LINKS . "` AS `links` ON (
            `links`.`deleted` = 0 AND
            `links`.`idProject` = `serv`.`idProject` AND
            `links`.`mandatory` = '1' AND
            `links`.`subserviceLink` = 1 AND
            `links`.`serviceFrom` LIKE CONCAT ('|', `serv`.`id`,'|') AND
            `links`.`serviceTo` LIKE CONCAT('|', `subserv`.`id`, '|')
        WHERE `idParentService` = `serv`.`id`
            AND `subserv`.`deleted` = 0
            AND `subserv`.`onSaleStatus` = 'onSale'
            AND `subserv`.`serviceGroup` = 'SS'
    ) AS `subservices`, (
        SELECT `file`
        FROM `" . DBT_GALLERY . "` AS `gallery`
        WHERE `gallery`.`category` = 'accommodationUnit'
            AND `idObject` = `idUnit`
        LIMIT 1
    ) AS `picture`
FROM `" . DBT_SERV . "` AS `serv`

ETC., ETC… some more joins and a where.

My problem is that I get the following error: #1054 – Unknown column ‘serv.idProject’ in ‘on clause’

If I remove links.idProject = serv.idProject AND I get #1054 – Unknown column ‘’ in ‘on clause’.

Basically… I can’t see anything from serv inside the ON clause. If I remove whole JOIN query works, so in the WHERE clause serv is visible. Any idea how I can make it work in the ON clause also?

Try this

SELECT DISTINCT `serv`.`SID`, `serv`.`SNAME`, `serv`.`SIDP`, `prj`.`id` AS `idProject`,
`prj`.`name` AS `projectName`, `units`.`id` AS `idUnit`,
`units`.`name` AS `unitName`, `units`.`description` AS `unitDescription`,
`units`.`descriptionLong` AS `unitLongDescription`, `units`.`address`, 
        SELECT DISTINCT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(`subserv`.`id`, '|', `subserv`.`name`, '|', `links`.`continuous`))
        FROM `" . DBT_SERV . "` AS `subserv`
        JOIN `" . DBT_SERV_LINKS . "` AS `links` ON (
            `links`.`deleted` = 0 AND
            `links`.`idProject` = `serv`.`SIDP` AND
            `links`.`mandatory` = '1' AND
            `links`.`subserviceLink` = 1 AND
            `links`.`serviceFrom` LIKE CONCAT ('|', `serv`.`SID`,'|') AND
            `links`.`serviceTo` LIKE CONCAT('|', `subserv`.`id`, '|')
        WHERE `idParentService` = `serv`.`SID`
            AND `subserv`.`deleted` = 0
            AND `subserv`.`onSaleStatus` = 'onSale'
            AND `subserv`.`serviceGroup` = 'SS'
    ) AS `subservices`, (
        SELECT `file`
        FROM `" . DBT_GALLERY . "` AS `gallery`
        WHERE `gallery`.`category` = 'accommodationUnit'
            AND `idObject` = `idUnit`
        LIMIT 1
    ) AS `picture`
    (SELECT `id` AS `SID`, `idProject` AS `SIDP`, `name` AS `SNAME` FROM `" . DBT_SERV . "`) AS serv
ETC., ETC... some more joins and a where.

SID, SNAME and SIDP alias are defined in the principal query so it should be accesible into subquerys.
