Purpose and implemetnation of json field type in laravel schema builder

Purpose and implemetnation of json field type in laravel schema builder

what is purpose of $table->json('options'); as field type of laravel database schema builder.I tried searching hard but couldn’t get any relevant info on it.Please some one state list purpose with example

Some database engines – PostgreSQL being a major example – have JSON-friendly data types (that MySQL currently lacks – it’ll just store as a TEXT data type there). This can be handy for working with data (like the options example you cite) that might contain a large amount of schema-less or loosely-structured data.

  • http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-json.html
  • http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-json.html

Instead of having 100+ columns for a bunch of on/off options for a model, you could store them in a JSON object in the database.
