Why componentWillMount is called after rendering?

Why componentWillMount is called after rendering?

I am working with React and I am trying to understand the lifecycle. I am doing a componentWillMount method in order to get the props I need before the render occurs. I need to know how to update the state when the view loads.

All I am trying to do is a GET request in order to get a list of dealers for a Casino Game. Basically, I am missing 1 or 2 steps which are for render the dealers’s list in the DOM

I will show what I am doing with my code and after that I will explain what I want

Actions part


class GetDealersActions {

  constructor () {
    this.generateActions('dealerDataSuccess', 'dealerDataFail');

  getDealers (data) {
    const that = this;
      .then(function success (response) {

then we move to the stores


class GetDealersStore {

  constructor () {
    this.state = {
      dealerData : null,

  dealerDataSuccess (data) {
      dealerData : data,

in this case that console.log(this.state.dealerData); returns something like this which is exactly what I need

Object {dealersData: Array[3]}

the problems comes in the component part, honestly because I don’t know how to handle the data here

export default class Dealers extends Component {

  static contextTypes = {
    router : React.PropTypes.func,

  constructor (props) {
    this.state = {}

  static getStores () {
    return [ GetDealersStore ];

  static getPropsFromStores () {
    return GetDealersStore.getState();

  componentWillMount () {
    console.log('@@@', this.props);

  render () {
    console.log('>>>', this.props);
    let content;
    if (this.state.dealerData) {
      content = this.state.dealerData.map((item) => {
        return <div key={item.CardId}>{item}</div>;
    } else {
      content = <div>Loading . . .</div>;

    return (


all I get here <div>{content}</div> is Loading . . . because this.state is coming like this Object {}

A weird situation I am getting here, is that this view is rendering twice, the 1st time is rendering, and the console.log('>>>', this.props); returns this >>> Object {params: Object, query: Object} and the second time it renders, fires this >>> Object {params: Object, query: Object, dealerData: Object} which is what I need.

So, why componentWillMount is waiting the render method in order to get fired ?

It’s not weird at all. componentWillMount will fire before render, and in the first-pass you are invoking an action to get the dealers GetDealersActions.getDealers(); which is basically an async command. Since it is async, the component will render once before it gets data, and then again after the store publishes a changed event, which will re-trigger rendering.

Here is an approximation of the sequence of actions happening in your example:

  1. componentWillMount invokes getDealers command (which is async)
  2. initial render with default component state
  3. Async operation completed in action creator and store is set with dealer data
  4. store publishes a changed event, which re-triggers rendering
  5. second render invoked with the dealer data in component state.

The problem is that React will run it’s lifecycle methods in a certain sequence, not caring about you invoking some async method. So basically you don’t have a way to stop rendering just because you invoked a command to get the dealers. That is a limitation of react (or a feature), which surfaces when combined with async programming and you should accept it as is.

If you accept the fact that React will render twice, you can utilize that in your favor, so on first render you could just show a loading indicator (e.g. a spinning wheel) and when the data loads you just display it in the second render.

However, if you are not convinced and still want to avoid double-rendering in the initial load, you could do prefetching of the data before you mount the application component, which would ensure that initial data is loaded in the store before the first render, which would mean that you wouldn’t have to invoke getDealers in componentWillMount since the data would already be in the store on the first render.

As a reminder, double-rendering is not a significant performance problem, like it would be in Angular.js or Ember.js, since React is very efficient at DOM manipulation, but it could produce some UX issues if not handled properly.
