React js – having problems creating a todo list

React js – having problems creating a todo list

I’m trying to create a todo list where after you finish one task,
only then will the next task be enabled (to tick as finished).

Here is what I have so far:

/** @jsx React.DOM */ $(function(){ var tasks = [ {title: "Wake up"}, {title: "Eat dinner"}, {title: "Go to sleep"} ]; var Task = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function(){ return {locked:true, done:false} }, handleClick: function(e){ this.setState({done: !this.state.done}); var selector = '.toggle[data-order="'+(this.props.order+1)+'"]'; this.setState({locked: true}) console.log(selector) console.log($(selector).removeAttr("disabled")) }, render: function() { var locked; //Fix first task to not be disabled if(this.props.order == 0 && this.state.done === false) locked = false; else locked = this.state.locked; var done = this.state.done ? "Done":"Not done"; var classView = "task" + (this.state.done ? " done":" not-done"); return ( <div class="todo well well-sm" class={classView}> <span class="description">{this.props.title}</span> <button type="button" onClick={this.handleClick} data-order={this.props.order} disabled={locked} class="toggle btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked"></span>&nbsp;Done </button> </div> ); } }); var TaskList = React.createClass({ render: function(){ var i = -1; var taskNodes = (task) { return <Task title={task.title} order={++i} />; }); return ( <div class="task-list"> {taskNodes} </div> ); } }); var Guider = React.createClass({ render: function(){ return ( <div> <TaskList data={} /> </div> ); } }); React.renderComponent(<Guider data={tasks} />, document.body); });

The next buttons are still not disabled, and I feel that I’m doing something wrong in general (not in accordance with the react “zen”).

How can I change the state for a dom element without the user triggering it? is there any id I should use?

If you initiate the data into non-root component, it becomes hard to update other components. So I prefer keeping data into root component, Then pass a click handler as props. Now you’ll have access to that handler inside non-root component. Calling that will update root component and so the other non-root components.

Here’s working jsFiddle –

Example –

var Task = React.createClass({
  handleClick: function (e) {
    // Passing order of task
  render: function () {
    return ( <button type="button" onClick={this.handleClick}></button> );

var TaskList = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function(){
    // initiate tasks here
  whenClicked: function(order){
    // Revise the tasks using `order`
    // Finally do a setState( revised_tasks );
  render: function(){
    return ( <Task clicked={this.whenClicked} /> );