SQL Between Two Dates Missing End Date (SSRS)

SQL Between Two Dates Missing End Date (SSRS)

I’m using SSRS 2008r2 to generate reports. Using following WHERE statement in SQL query

WHERE (NonPMJobs.npmJobCreateDate >= @Created_Parameter) AND     
      (NonPMJobs.npmJobCreateDate <= @Created_Parameter2)

I’m using parameters with the data type of DateTime. Users then select day from a calendar. I want to get results where jobs have been created between date 1 (@Created_Parameter) AND date 2 (@Created_Parameter2) INCLUSIVE.

But results being returned do not include the second date (@Created_Parameter2). If I select 01/07/2013 - 05/07/2013 I get 01, 02, 03, 04 but no 05. If I select 01/07/2013 – 06/07/2013 I get 01, 02, 03, 04, 05.

I’ve tried using:

WHERE (NonPMJobs.npmJobCreateDate BETWEEN @Created_Parameter AND @Created_Parameter2)

but get same results.

What am I missing here and why isn’t WHERE statement inclusive? Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

Well, you need to think about this: a DATETIME like this: 05/07/2013 means the 5th of July (or 7th of May – depending on your locale) at midnight when the day starts (a 00:00 hours, so to speak).

So this does NOT include the events that happen on that day!

The best solution would be to use

WHERE (NonPMJobs.npmJobCreateDate >= @Created_Parameter) AND     
      (NonPMJobs.npmJobCreateDate < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Created_Parameter2))

and basically getting everything that’s smaller than the next day based on @Created_Parameter2. So for your 5th of July, that would be anything before the 6th of July – which includes all events from the 5th of July.
